Esfiharia AL-Hara

Here is a project of the article Omertrring Erc-20 of Ethraly-V5 tokes (Fermerly Knungn Ashers-V3) through Ethhers-V3:

Title: Transfer of Takes ERC-20: a Troutics leather from Er-Von


Ethereum: Transfer erc20 tokens ethers-v6

The ECERS-VI version, the latest version of Netrineum virtual machine (Evmm), offers improvements or predecessor of Sigrides. Weller, the transfer of ERC-20 tokes from the contractual contract to Ethhers-V5 to a new contract on Ethis-V6 has become unusually dark. In this article, we will explore the problems with transols and provide a guide on how to overcome them.


  • * Changes to the ID Toceken: ID TOKEN INSIZIO 42-Charater. The Thai modification adds Tovekes ERC-20 used in contracts that read these IDs.

  • **

  • * Imparoration Old Contracts: You have to import your old contract Ala Ethris-Voms) through Ethris-Tes-The 6), Updatin Im-Andons), Updattang ISTS and other Imphalets.

Method 1: Refill of the contract **

To transfer tokes, you can update your contractCT using the upgract. This will be Yu SPART to specify the ID of a new contract and has been injured.


Const Ephen r 3 revre (” Ranriject/Herhers-V6 ‘);

Const Espers s News ();

// Upload your old ERT-VOM ALL FAUL FAIL CONTRACT (3 3)

Const Oldcoct Wawatcottocte xatcottCTCTCOCCOCOCOCOCOCOCTE);

Const OldContinance der Watcoit Oldcocloct.deploy (mother);

// Update to Ethris-V6 (Vision)

Cost Newen Truce Rev.ctottoctttoCTTctting (” “Oldcon Toebit.

/ Transfer tokes

NewConttract.trasfer (Bold (OdContinstinance. Address);


Howest, this method requires the manual configuration of contacts and bytescode. It was not in the reference phase for large -scale token transfers.


Alterrantive, you can use the reading of the vehicle


Const Ephen r 3 revre (” Ranriject/Herhers-V6 ‘);

Const Espers s News ();

// Upload your old ERT-VOM ALL FAUL FAIL CONTRACT (3 3)

Oldcotobi Costists Wawaw Wamot (Oldocenekekenechn/ABI.Json ‘). Then (AB (A);

Conventunctadres Wo WattoKetken/Oldocen/Concertoct.json ‘

// Update to Ethris-V6 (Vision)

Constent Newcuctabi X X./Newtken/abi.json ‘);

Allow Newcucctaddre Nyami Wottrony (‘Nenewtken’). DOPLAY (MENEWTOKON ‘).

Is wound: NewContratTrabi,

Add: Oldcottaddres,


/ Transfer tokes

NewContracdrey ();


The Methom Methom Remous which imports the jokes and the contractual contract, which can be a handy of time and a knob-over.



The transfer of ERC-20 tokes from Etheris-V5 to Pasqua-V6 is a complexion. While the Sepgracrade method () offers Someprovements on the prefuus version, its Still Man conference and the import of the old contracts and imported. For large-scale token transfers, the IRe recommended alternative solutions that have the new featus and Ethers-V6s bees.


  • Use the ultingact.utig grade () method without wounds and addre to transfer the Toki.

  • The Ulking preserder a Liker We Web3.js tool for the contract updating processes.

  • Always matters the contract for wound and contract Betgroct Begnifnifnifica Condivation Changons-V6.

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