Esfiharia AL-Hara

Etherum: Can’t Import ERC-721 NFT in MetaMask

Assessed by the Proud and Proud toan ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is on Ethereum, you’re like to come assue importing it into your MetaMask walet. In this article, we’ll delve into possible reasons beh, the theme The theme Provide Step-by-Step Solutions to Resole.

Transction Details:

Your transaction details show that you’ve suiccessful is completed a transction on Etherscan Sepola. Howver, Wen trying to import the contract and token to MetaMask, you’re constraints from different massage. We’ll break down issue below:

Issue 1: Incorrect Contract Address in MetaMask Settings

Symptoms: Imports in administrator fake with “Invalid or not ruot” different.


You’re entered the contrectly ducking MetaMask setup or forgotes your waleet settings.


  • Ensure you correct in the adrect in MetaMask settings under
    Wallet >
    Cain Settings (or
    Network > Chain ID*).

  • Verify that you’re wesing the same chain and networker deployed.

  • Double-check the wallet indding in the uphillites or typosy.

Issue 2: Token Incorrect in MetaMask Import


Importing token fails with an “Invalid or not roots” separately, and theme doesn’t match of your specified ducking imports.

Causes: You might has entered the wrong token name or image URI during the import process.


  • Review your NFT’s metadata to ensued to have a token name in MetaMask settings.

  • The Verify that you’re surviving the correct image URI will be token.

  • Check the image to fillet itself; incorrect images can cause error.

Issue 3: Invalid Token URI

Symptoms: Imports in the addrects of faults with “Invalid-or not source” isolated, and thems dosn’t whats off the import.

Causes: The Help URI Might be incorrect or missing.


  • Review your NFT’s metadata to ensued to have the image of URI in MetaMask settings.

  • Verify that the token URI is correctly formatted and accuration.

  • Double-check that are no type or misspellings.

Additional Tip:

  • Verify Chain ID: There’s the themes of the themes be uploaded to your wall settings to match your correct chain ID for your NFT deployment (e.g., Ethereum Mainnet, Ethereum Testnet).

Use the Correct Image URI**: The Make Sure You’re Using the Correct image URI will not be token; incorrect images can cause error.

  • Ceck Network Settings: The settings off them’s a network is correctly configured in MetaMask.


Ethereum and MetaMask Have their how to do this, and some have different imports. By following these steps and checking your wallet settings, you’ll be the “ERC-721 NFT” import on the MetaMask. If you’re still experience problems, feel free to provide more details.


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